Course Descriptions

Undergraduate Degree Courses - Physics

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Physics (PHYS)

Course Number: 1305
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Elementary Physics I Lecture

Course Description:
Designed for non-science/non-engineering majors. The basic interactions in nature, how things move and why, are studied.

Course Number: 1307
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Elementary Physics II Lecture

Course Description:
Designed for non-science/non-engineering majors. Topics covered are heat, vibrations and waves, sound, light.

Course Number: 1311
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Introduction to Astronomy Lecture

Course Description:
A survey of facts and an introduction to important astronomical theories. The solar system, stars, nebulae and star systems.

Course Number: 1370
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Preparatory Physics: Foundations and Applications

Course Description:
Mathematics applied to physics problems, graphical analysis, vector operations, fields and potentials.

Course Number: 1401
Credit Hours: 4
Title: College Physics I

Course Description:
Designed for majors in the physical or natural sciences. Emphasis is placed upon understanding and application of basic physical laws.

Course Number: 1402
Credit Hours: 4
Title: College Physics II

Course Description:
A continuation of College Physics I, PHYS 1401.

Course Number: 1405
Credit Hours: 4
Title: Elementary Physics I

Course Description:
Designed for non-science/non-engineering majors. Subject matter covers the basic interactions in nature, how things move and why, are studied.

Course Number: 1407
Credit Hours: 4
Title: Elementary Physics II

Course Description:
Designed for non-science/non-engineering majors. Topics covered are heat, vibrations and waves, sound, light. (PHYS 1405 is NOT a pre-requisite for PHYS 1407)

Course Number: 1411
Credit Hours: 4
Title: Intro Astronomy

Course Description:
A survey of facts and an introduction to important astronomical theories. The solar system, stars, nebulae and star systems. This course includes a lab component.

Course Number: 2170
Credit Hours: 1
Title: Supplemental Lab

Course Description:
Designed to allow a transfer student to make up one laboratory deficiency at the introductory level.

Course Number: 2425
Credit Hours: 4
Title: University Physics I

Course Description:
Subject matter covers mechanics, vibrations and heat.

Course Number: 2426
Credit Hours: 4
Title: University Physics II

Course Description:
Subject matter covers electricity, magnetism, sound waves and optics.

Course Number: 3314
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences

Course Description:
The goal of this class is for the student to acquire a deeper understanding of mathematical theory and the subsequent applications of advanced mathematical techniques to the physical sciences. The successful modeling of physical problems requires adept application of a wide range of mathematical concepts. Mathematics is the language of physics.

Course Number: 3350
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Modern Physics

Course Description:
Special relativity; duality particle-wave; elements of quantum physics; atomic and molecular structure; solid state and statistical physics.

Course Number: 3380
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Electricity & Magnetism

Course Description:
Subject matter covers electrostatic fields; potential; capacitance; dielectrics; electromagnetic waves. Maxwell's equations; conduction in gases; and thermoelectricity.

Course Number: 3390
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Statistical Physics

Course Description:
Subject matter includes: temperature and thermometry; internal energy, entropy, and thermodynamic potentials; introduction to the kinetic theory of gases and the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.

Course Number: 3430
Credit Hours: 4
Title: Analytical Mechanics

Course Description:
The use of vector notation in formulating and applying Newton's laws and the principles of momentum and energy. Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies emphasized with statics treated briefly.

Course Number: 4301
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Special Topics

Course Description:
Topics in undergraduate mechanics, electromagnetism, energy conversion or particle physics. Library work and conferences with a faculty member. Student may repeat the course for credit when the area of study is different.

Course Number: 4310
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Experiments in Physics

Course Description:
Selected experiments in mechanics, electromagnetics, waves and nuclear physics which reach beyond the scope of introductory laboratories.

Course Number: 4320
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Introduction Quantum Mechanics

Course Description:
Basic concepts of quantum mechanics; Schrodinger's equation and wave functions.

Course Number: 4370
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Solid State Phys

Course Description:
Crystal structure, crystal dynamics, energy bands in crystalline solids, semiconductors and magnetism superconductivity.

Course Number: 4480
Credit Hours: 4
Title: Optics

Course Description:
Physical and Quantum Optics; light-matter interaction; interference; diffraction; spectroscopy; photonics and lasers; fiber optics.