Social Work Courses

Course Offerings and Descriptions

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Social Work (SOWK)

Course Number: 2361
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Intro Social Work

Course Description:
An overview of the knowledge, values, and skills for generalist practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social work intervention with diverse populations and populations at risk in various fields of practice is emphasized within the context of the history and development of the profession of social work and the social welfare institution. Volunteer component included.

Course Number: 2371
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Survey Soc Welfare

Course Description:
History of social work and the social welfare institution with emphasis on the current structure of social welfare. The course examines the social welfare institutions response to those in need, especially the vulnerable members of society. Examination of the major social welfare policies and programs which impact all members of society.

Course Number: 3300
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Human Behavior in the Social Environment I

Course Description:
This is the first of two courses presenting theories and research on human behavior in the social environment from ecological systems, strengths and empowerment perspectives. The reciprocal relationship and impact of the family, community and society on human behavior and development throughout the life cycle will be explored, with emphasis on birth through adolescence.

Course Number: 3310
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Work Practice I

Course Description:
First in a three course generalist practice sequence. A strengths/empowerment approach utilized for multi-levels of intervention with a focus on the knowledge, values, and skills for culturally sensitive practice with diverse populations and populations at risk. Emphasis on the profession's value orientations as reflected in the NASW Code of Ethics.

Course Number: 3320
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Human Behavior in the Social Environment II

Course Description:
Continuation of SOWK 3300; Focus: Young adulthood through later adulthood.

Course Number: 3330
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Work Practice II

Course Description:
Second in a three course generalist practice sequence. This course utilizes systems/ecological systems, empowerment and strengths perspectives to provide the knowledge, values, and skills necessary for practice with individuals, families, and groups in the context of cultural diversity and the need for culturally sensitive practice.

Course Number: 3340
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Soc Welfare Policy & Services

Course Description:
Analysis of social welfare policy at local, state, national, and international levels. Emphasis on the analysis of the impact of social welfare policy on society and vulnerable populations. The course stresses the effects of policy upon social services, social work practice and the profession¿s role of advocacy for policy change.

Course Number: 3350
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Work Practice III

Course Description:
Third practice course in the sequence, this course covers the generalist perspective for social work practice with focus on assessment and intervention with organizations and communities. Emphasis on developing, analyzing, advocating and providing leadership for policies and services. Course includes content on administration and supervision in social service agencies.

Course Number: 3360
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Promoting Social Justice

Course Description:
From a socio-historical perspective, students acquire a knowledge and understanding of how prejudice and discrimination contribute to social and economic inequality, oppression, and social injustice as experienced by diverse cultural groups and populations at risk. Strategies to combat social injustice from a micro-macro focus are emphasized.

Course Number: 4100
Credit Hours: 1
Title: Special Topics

Course Description:
Topics in various areas in social work and social service; May be repeated for credit.

Course Number: 4300
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Special Topics

Course Description:
Topics in various areas in social work and social service. May be repeated for credit.

Course Number: 4320
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Seminar

Course Description:
Current topics in social work practice; May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

Course Number: 4321
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Field Practicum I

Course Description:
Field Practicum provides supervised experience in community social service agencies in which students apply knowledge, values and ethical principles, and develop generalist social work practice skills. Educational and professional supervision is provided by faculty and social workers in the agencies. The course includes a three hour weekly seminar to provide integration of theory into practice based on field practicum experiences.

Course Number: 4324
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Field Practicum II

Course Description:
Field Practicum provides supervised experience in community social service agencies in which students apply knowledge, values and ethical principles, and develop generalist social work practice skills. Educational and professional supervision is provided by faculty and social workers in the agencies. The course includes a three hour weekly seminar to provide integration of theory into practice based on field practicum experiences; A continuation of SOWK 4321.

Course Number: 4380
Credit Hours: 3
Title: Social Work Research Method

Course Description:
Content on qualitative and quantitative methodologies to build knowledge for social work practice. Preparation to develop, use, and communicate empirically based knowledge, including evidence-based interventions. Focus on evaluation of social work practice to ensure competence based social work practice.