Council of Instructional Departments (CID)

Charge: The Council of Instructional Departments (CID) advises the President and Provost on policies and actions aimed at improving academic departmental administration and enhancing communication within the University's organizational structure. The Committee reviews and makes recommendations on academic policies and procedures that impact departmental operations. The constitution and by-laws of the CID can be found in the appendix of the Faculty Handbook.

Membership & Reporting: The Committee is composed of current department chairs. The chair of the Committee is elected by its members from within the group. The Committee's charge is determined collaboratively by its members and should align with the shared interests of department chairs. Recommendations from the Committee of Institutional Development (CID) are submitted to the President and Provost for consideration.

Committee Members

Thomas Sowers (Political Science) President Ex Officio
Jill Killough (Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services) , President Elect Ex Officio
Marleen Swerdlow, (Interim Dept. of Business) Executive Council Ex Officio
Jeannette Fresne (Interim Dept. of Music) Executive Council Ex Officio
TBD (Engineering) Executive Council Ex Officio

Arts & Sciences

Randall Terry (Biology) Ex Officio
Ozge Gunaydin-Sen (Chemistry & Biochemistry) Ex Officio
Jing Zhang (Computer Science) Ex Officio
Joe Kruger (Earth & Space Sciences) Ex Officio
Sara Hillin (English & Modern Languages) Ex Officio
Jackie Jensen-Vallin (Interim - Mathematics) Ex Officio
Cindy Stinson (Nursing) Ex Officio
Philip Cole (Physics) Ex Officio
Jeremy Shelton (Psychology) Ex Officio
Ginger Gummelt (Sociology, Social Work, & Criminal Justice) Ex Officio

College of Business

Don Warren (Accounting & ISAN) Ex Officio

College of Education & Human Development

Belinda Lopez (Counseling) Ex Officio
Tom Harvey (Educational Leadership) Ex Officio
Shannon Jordan (Interim Health & Kinesiology) Ex Officio
Elizabeth Casey (Teacher Education) Ex Officio

College of Engineering

Tracy Benson (Interim Chemical Engineering) Ex Officio
Venki Uddameri (Civil & Environmental Engineering) Ex Officio
Abdelnasser Eldek (Electrical Engineering) Ex Officio
James Curry (Indutrial Engineering) Ex Officio
Mansour Karkoub (Mechanical Engineering) Ex Officio

College of Fine Arts and Communications

Stephanie Chadwick (Art & Design) Ex Officio
Nicki Michalski (Interim - Communication & Media) Ex Officio
M. Diane Clark (Deaf Studies & Deaf Education) Ex Officio
Michael Bartnik (Music) Ex Officio
Johanna Boult (Speech & Hearing Sciences) Ex Officio
Joel Grothe (Theatre & Dance) Ex Officio