Graduate Council
Minutes #474
January 19, 2022
Attending: Debbie Troxclair, Theresa Hefner-Babb, Jerry Lin, Brett Welch, Awais Saleem, Donna Azodi, David Short, Xianchang Li, Tammy Henderson, Vivek Natarajan, Carly Cox
Approval of Minutes
#473 – December 15, 2021
Motion to accept: Saleem, Second: Azodi, motion passed
Old Business
Graduate Faculty Review – discussed the review process and the need to finalize in February 2022. Dr. Lin expressed the importance of checking applicants for a terminal degree in the field, years of graduate-level instruction, and research/publication activity. Dr. Lin requests that council members complete preliminary review by February 4th. CoA&S representative was not in attendance today, we will reach out with instructions so review may proceed. Dr. Welch will divide CoEHD applicants into smaller groupings for those reps to review. The review spreadsheet will be updated to include a column for reviewer comments. Dr. Welch will provide a checklist to council members to assist with applicant reviews.
New Business
Dr. Lin encouraged council members to meet in person for future council meetings.