Mineral Exhibit


The Houston Museum of Natural Science Mineral Exhibit, located in the first and second floor hallway of the Geology building, is a world class exhibit.  The collection of 88 breath-taking pieces is on permanent loan from the Houston Museum of Natural Science, thanks to museum president, Joel Bartsch.  The collection includes some of the world's best examples of minerals such as quartz, calcite, citrine, amethyst, sulfur, gypsum and pyrite, among others. 

Specimen of Ammonite
Ammonite (Volga River, Russia)
Specimen of Calcite
Calcite (Elmwood Mine, Tennessee)
Specimen of Quartz
Gypsum (Naica Mine, Mexico)
Specimen of Vanadinite
Vanadinite (Mibladen, Morocco)
Visitor during opening of mineral exhibit
Visitors explore the mineral exhibit